What are user protection measures?
KakaoTalk automatically operates user protection measures to reduce service restriction cases due to massive reports when detecting abnormal user environments. These measures are operated for a pleasant service environment. We sincerely ask for your kind understanding. You can still use the chatrooms you have ever participated in, even though user protection measures are implemented. If nothing has been detected for a sufficient time, the measures will be automatically lifted, usually within several weeks.

◼ You may be subject to user protection measures if you use the service as follows:
• If you add too many users as your KakaoTalk friends in a short period of time
• If you use the service in a similar environment with the one where evil users are active.
• If you use the service in an environment where illegal speculative websites have been promoted or obscene contents have been transmitted
• If you create too many chatrooms or Open Chats in a short period of time
• If the participation or frequency rate for an open chat is abnormally high
• If you use fake overseas phone numbers that are unable to be confirmed by telecommunication companies
• If numerous reports on your abusive messages have been filed to the company
• If numerous users have reported on your abusive open chat
• If you use your KakaoTalk in an abnormal environment such as PC emulation, etc.
• Other abnormal cases

◼︎ You may suffer inconvenience while using the service if user protection measures are implemented.
• KakaoTalk sign-up, verification, or withdrawal limited
• Unable to create a new chatroom
• Unable to create a new group chat
• Unable to send massive messages or create many chatrooms in a short period of time
• Unable to receive invitations to Group Chats or Secret Chats
• Invitations to a group chat limited
• Unable to search for a friend
• Unable to add a friend
• The exposure of a user ID for KakaoTalk Search or QR Code Search limited
• Unable to call a free phone call such as VoiceTalk, FaceTalk
• Unable to create or share an event other than Search a Talk Calendar Event
• Invitations to Talk Calendar limited
• Unable to use sub-devices
• Unable to use sub-devices
• Unable to use Open Chats
• Unable to create or newly join an Open Chatroom
• Unable to send Open Chat invitations
• Participation rate for an Open Chat limited
• Unable to write on the Board of an Open Chatroom
• Unable to send a VoiceTalk in an Open Chatroom
• Unable to use a Time Chat in an Open Chatroom
• Unable to compose an Open Profile post
• Other functions

[For more details about our Operation Policy, please refer to the page below.]
• Kakao Operation Policy https://www.kakao.com/policy/oppolicy?lang=en
• KakaoTalk Operation Policy 