Can I share or sell my Kakao Account or Kakao Game?

Selling or exchanging your Kakao Account is strictly prohibited by the Terms of Service. 
If it is determined that you have sold or exchanged your Kakao Account, or made such an attempt, Kakao has a right to limit your use of Kakao services in accordance with Kakao's operations policy. 

* Note:

We are seeing many cases of scams and account compromise resulting from the acts of selling or exchanging Kakao Accounts.

Selling or exchanging your Kakao Account is strictly prohibited, and we can't provide help with any untoward incident arising out of it. Please read the following information.

1. If the seller changes mind about selling the account or sells the account with a malicious intent, not only the seller's account but also the buyer's can be disabled.

Selling or exchanging Kakao Account is prohibited. Even if the buyer claims that he or she has paid money or other equivalent to buy the account, the buyer cannot claim ownership of the involved account.
Please do not purchase someone else's Kakao Account, as both the seller' and the buyer's Kakao Accounts will be disabled in case the seller reports that account as compromised.

2. Even if the transaction is not completed, your Kakao Account may be compromised in the process. 

Do not disclose, even in part, your Kakao Account email, password, name or phone number to a third party.
Name and phone number can be used to find user ID and password for email services such as Naver, Daum and Nate.
People with malicious intents may be able to combine your personal information disclosed during the transation and guess your Kakao Account email address. 
Please make sure that you do not disclose your personal information even in part, such as the last few digits of your password.

Do not delete your Kakao Account email even if your counterpart requests it. 
In some websites, when one user deletes his or her email account, another user can sign up right away using the same user ID. 
Your counterpart may trick you into deleting your Kakao Account email so that he or she can sign up for the same email service using your email address and steal your Kakao Account. 

We also recommend strongly against writing posts on account selling or exchange in open online forums. 
Even if you do not disclose your Kakao Account information, your Kakao Account email address can be guessed based on your ID, nickname, membeship number, etc. revealed on online communities, blogs and forums.