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- What are service restrictions?
- What are user protection measures?
- Please cancel user protection measures.
- I'm not the person in trouble. But one of my family members/acquaintances has been subject to service restrictions/temporary measures/user protection measures. What should they do?
- When do open chat restrictions apply?
- What happens if someone reported me in an open chatroom?
- The open chatroom that I created does not appear in the search results.
- I left the open chatroom after reporting and then attempted to reenter the same chatroom. I saw the message "You are unable to participate in the open chatroom you have reported."
- The message stating 'This message has been reported and hidden' is shown in the Open Chatroom. What does that mean?
- Am I restricted from using KakaoTalk when sending massive messages to many people?
If you can not find the answer, please contact our service center.