If you suspect that your account was logged in (or used) by someone with a malicious intent, please re-sign up for Kakao Account through phone number verification immediately, and change your password.
If you are unable to log in, please contact our Customer Service to report your account as compromised.
You can also click the link at the bottom of the login notification email to report account compromised or to lock your account.
If an account is reported as compromised, our Customer Service can deactivate the compromised account for 7 days after a phone number verification, limiting your and other people's access to the account.
Please note that you must submit a report within 14 days of the compromise.
* You need to submit the account compromise report and other required documents to our Customer Service within 7 days of the account deactivation. Otherwise, deactivation will be lifted automatically.
Please note that we are able to deactivate your account until police investigation of the compromised account is completed only when you submit the account compromise report and other required documents within 7 days of the account deactivation.
- Account Compromise Report: Download
- Required Documents:
1. Copy of an ID card or equivalent to verify your identity. (The last 7 digits of the resident registration number must be masked.)
2. Certificate of use agreement for the mobile phone number used at the time of KakaoTalk registration (issued by the mobile service carrier).
3. Other materials which may be helpful in proving the unauthorized use of your Kakao service account by someone else.