Kakao Customer Service
How can we help you? 상담원 죠르디 이모지- Report/Restrictions Common The open chatroom that I created does not appear in the search results.
- General Android How do I block people I do not want to chat with?
- General Android How do I add a person to my friends list while chatting?
- General iPhone How do I add a person in the chatroom to my friends list?
- General iPhone How do I add a person in the chatroom to my friends list?
- Friends / Receive News Android I'd like to send messages to my friends.
- Friends / Receive News iOS I'd like to send messages to my friends.
- My Story / Settings Android I don't want to see the number of visitors.
- My Story / Settings iOS I don't want to see the number of visitors.
- My Story / Settings iOS I don't want to have the 'KakaoStory' button displayed in my KakaoTalk Mini-Profile.
- Compose Mail [Email Address] It is an integrated account with Daum Mail. Can I access KakaoMail from Daum Mail?
- Receive Mail [Receive Mail] How do I use the star (important email) feature?
- IMAP/POP3 [POP3] Emails in the Kakao Mail mailbox are deleted when I open Outlook.
- Connection Issues [Connection Issues] How do I upgrade my browser?
- Read Mail [Read Mail] How do I read emails written in a foreign language?