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총 검색 결과 수
- Report/Restrictions Windows I want to report a message sent by a participant in [Regular Chat > 1:1 Chat].
- Kakao Account iPhone I can't remember my Kakao Account email.
- Kakao Account Android I can't remember my Kakao Account email.
- Report/Restrictions Common Am I restricted from using KakaoTalk when sending massive messages to many people?
- Report/Restrictions Android I want to report a message sent by a participant in [Regular Chat > Group Chat].
- Send Gift iPhone How does "Gift Shop" work?
- Report/Restrictions Windows I want to report a message sent by a participant in [Regular Chat > Group Chat].
- Report/Restrictions macOS I want to report a message sent by a participant in [Regular Chat > Group Chat].
- Report/Restrictions iOS I want to report a message sent by a participant in [Regular Chat > Group Chat].
- Report/Restrictions Common When do open chat restrictions apply?