Kakao Customer Service
How can we help you? 상담원 죠르디 이모지- KakaoTalk Calendar Web I have not been able to receive notifications on my Desktop.
- Report/Restrictions Common I'm not the person in trouble. But one of my family members/acquaintances has been subject to service restrictions/temporary measures/user protection measures. What should they do?
- Report/Restrictions Common Please cancel user protection measures.
- Report/Restrictions Common The message stating 'This message has been reported and hidden' is shown in the Open Chatroom. What does that mean?
- Report/Restrictions Common I left the open chatroom after reporting and then attempted to reenter the same chatroom. I saw the message "You are unable to participate in the open chatroom you have reported."
- Log in common Which Web browsers are supported?
- Sign up common I received an email saying that my Kakao Account has been created, but it is not my account.
- Disabled account common I can't log in with my Kakao Account because I forgot my password. How can I reactivate the account?
- 2-Step Verification common I'm trying to use IMAP/POP3, but I'm not able to log in even with my correct Kakao account and password.
- Find email/password common I can't remember my Kakao Account email.
- IMAP/POP3 [Other Accounts] I cannot add Hotmail/Outlook.com accounts through the "Add External Email" feature.
- IMAP/POP3 [Sync] How can I see my Kakao Mail from an external mail client?
- Connection Issues [Connection Issues] How do I upgrade my browser?
- Connection Issues [Connection Issues] A message that says "Unstable network connection. If the issue continues, please contact Customer Service" appears.
- Spam Mail [Spam Mail] What file formats can you not send through Kakao Mail?