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- Plus Friend Android I added a Kakao Talk Channel but did not receive a message.
- Plus Friend Android What kind of multimedia can I see in a Kakao Talk Channel chatroom?
- Voice Call / Video Call Android What is the group call feature?
- Plus Friend Android Do I receive push notifications for a Kakao Talk Channel message?
- Plus Friend Android If I add a Kakao Talk Channel, is my personal information delivered to the business partner?
- Plus Friend iPhone Do I receive push notifications for a Kakao Talk Channel message?
- Plus Friend iPhone How do I use an event coupon from Kakao Talk Channel?
- Plus Friend Android How do I use an event coupon from Kakao Talk Channel?
- Plus Friend iPhone How do I disable notifications from a Kakao Talk Channel chatroom?
- Plus Friend iPhone If I add a Kakao Talk Channel, is my personal information delivered to the business partner?